Age old Astrology

15th Century Astrolabe.  These instruments were used to determine the positions of the planets at any given time.

Astrology is one of the few spiritual sciences that have withstood the test of time.  Kings and paupers alike have used it through the ages and at the start of the 21st century we find Astrology going through a renaissance of its own.

Everything in our Cosmos is perfectly balanced and has specific cycles and rhythms that astronomers and astrologers have been able to predict for centuries.  These are the cycles that make up the sacred rhythm of life.

The cycles of the planets and other celestial bodies in our Solar System provide the subject matter for Astrological study.  An Astrologer uses these cycles against the backdrop of the zodiac to provide insight and guidance, by drawing up a Natal (or birth) chart.  This involves a series of complex calculations where a unique map of the heavens at the time of birth is drawn up.  This sets professional astrology apart from the over-generalised horoscopes printed in newspapers and magazines.

The Natal chart provides a unique blueprint of your personal character.  Having this birth chart interpreted enables you to live with greater awareness of your true potential and helps you to identify and understand root causes of problems.   And it simply is a great tool to get to know hidden aspects of your own psyche.

In gaining insight into your own Natal chart, you empower yourself to process any difficulties with more perspective and it has a way of generating more compassion for oneself.

By gaining insight and perspective into life’s rhythms and cycles, one can make more informed choices and be able to plan more clearly for the foreseeable future.


Natal readings for children are extremely helpful.  By understanding your child’s unique personality, one doesn’t only reduce conflict, but also understand what makes them tick, what motivates them, their fears and emotions, their strengths and potential.

It can help you as parent to learn to speak to them in their own “language”.  This will allow you as parent to appreciate your child’s unique character.  In this way you are assisting them in the development of their true potential leading to confidence and self empowerment.

Astrology is an immensely useful tool in vocational guidance, as it allows access to the essential truths of your unique human nature.   By continually gaining greater understanding of ourselves, we can truly work with our own strengths and weaknesses, continually re-aligning ourselves with our true calling…

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